About the Project
Robertstown Solar is an approved 500 MW (AC) utility scale solar photovoltaic and battery storage plant to integrate into the National Electricity Market through a 275 kV connection to ElectraNet’s Robertstown Substation in South Australia.
Robertstown Solar will meet approximately 1% of the Federal Government objective to achieve an additional 33 GW of electricity from renewable sources by 2020 under the Renewable Energy Target.
Robertstown Solar will have a minor and temporal physical disturbance footprint. Co-agricultural opportunities such as sheep grazing and apiculture will be assessed for co-existence and the land can be returned to its original condition, with infrastructure removed at the end of the Project’s 30 year life.
The project was on public exhibition from 23/01/2019 – 25/02/2019.
The Project Connection Application through ElectraNet, for connection to the South Australian electricity grid is progressing.
The Robertstown Solar project was granted development approval mid-2019.
Please click on the below link if you would like to read more about the approval on the SCAP website: